welcome to our 


Worshipping, Welcoming and Witnessing in the Community

since 1869

A very warm welcome to Burscough Methodist Church. From the moment you enter, you will feel welcomed and part of a wider community. Our church is open and accessible to everyone, offering a wide range of support from traditional Sunday services to relaxed coffee mornings and social groups. The church also forms part of the Lancashire West Methodist Circuit.

Prayer of the Month

Let our chief conversation be with you, O God; let the joy of our salvation be your grace and the heart of our faith be your presence. 

Sensitive God, as you hid your face from those who went before, knowing that we cannot grasp the full measure of your glory, thank you that so often in the quiet, hidden places you make your treasures known, teaching patient openness, and revealing depths of meaning and compassion or heights of possibility and hope. For treasures hidden in the gentle smile or kindly act, thank you. For courageous care and generosity of spirit, thank you. For persistent justice-seeking and moments of reconciliation, thank you. For all that illuminates the darkness in our own and others’ lives, thank you. Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, enable us to see and share your treasure, guiding and upholding into love and life for all. 

James Tebbutt, District Chair, Cumbria District

Our History

The foundation stone, was laid by Alderman Dr Wood on 20th July 1868 and the chapel was open for divine worship on Good Friday 1869.  At that time, the Chapel contained accommodation for 297 people and the entire cost was less than £1000 which was raised by voluntary contributions.